Our Unique Approach To Employment Litigation
Our approach to the attorney-client relationship is collaborative in many respects. Our clients play a role in the decision-making process used to move their cases forward. Our clients are informed of key developments in their cases at all critical junctures. We are always available to answer questions as they arise. We approach every case differently. No two cases are alike, and every client has unique needs, objectives, and personalities. So, we carefully evaluate each case and each client at the inception of the case, gather all documents and information, conduct an extensive interview with each client, and take the time to get to know each of our clients as individuals. These factors drive decision-making for the case.
After gathering information initially, we research all applicable case law, conduct team meetings, and ask follow-up questions of our clients to formulate initial case strategies and litigation plans. The lawsuit is started by the filing of a document with the court called a “complaint.” A Complaint is basically a short statement of the case and allegations of something called “causes of action,” which are basically the legal theories that would support recovery in the case. For example, “Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public Policy” would be an example of a cause of action.
After the complaint is filed and served, the defendants have 30 days to respond. We will vigorously oppose all challenges mounted by the defendants to the complaint, and to your case. These challenges may come in the form of a pleading called a demurrer. Or, later in the case, the defendants may file a motion for summary judgment, which is a request that the court dismisses the entire case or portions of the case. If you want to survive these challenges, you need the best employment lawyer available. The top employment attorneys at The Law Offices of Daniel Feder are available anytime to discuss your case. You can reach us at 415-391-9476, or by completing the online form.
Throughout the entire case engagement, we are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the clients’ needs and objectives, the signals from the opposing counsel and defense representatives and the court and judicial officers to enable “real-time” assessments of the status of the case, the interest in settlement, or the prospects for a successful verdict. The litigation process is inherently unpredictable, and chances are the rule, not the exception. So you will need an experienced lawyer at the helm to navigate through the turbulent litigation process.
Based on our initial case evaluations and meetings with clients and witnesses, we send early information requests (called discovery) to your former employer seeking information and documents from its files. After we receive this information, we carefully evaluate it, inform you of what we have learned, and get your input on what further follow-up information we should pursue. Additionally, we conduct witness interviews early of key witnesses before they are “contaminated” by indoctrination by the employer’s lawyer. By amassing all key information concerning your employment law case, we are able to enhance the results through trial or settlement.
Put simply, we believe information empowers. We are information lawyers. The more reliable information we have about you and your case, the more likely the successful outcome of your employment lawsuit.
If you like this approach to your employment dispute, please contact us.
Attorney Daniel Feder’s Approach To Resolution Of Employment Law Disputes
Almost 95 percent of all civil cases settle before trial. The Law Offices of Daniel Feder is a pioneer in the area of alternative dispute resolution (also known as “ADR”) of employment law disputes. We are amongst the first law firms in the San Francisco Bay Area that used ADR to routinely resolve employment cases. The Law Offices of Daniel Feder uses timely and aggressive tactics to prepare your case for settlement and, if necessary, trial. We use our case evaluation skills to determine the optimal amount each case should generate by settlement, and develop the information and facts to support the desired outcome.
Contact us at 415-391-9476, or complete the online consultation form now to get our help.
We are compassionate to our clients. We know what you have been through, and we want to help. We believe that money is important of course, but we genuinely care about our clients’ well-being, and always put their interests in happiness and well-being ahead of any pecuniary interests we might have. We sympathize with every victim of wrongful employment discrimination and termination and are committed to providing unsurpassed legal service to every employee victim, no matter how small or serious his or her claims may be. Sometimes a settlement is the best option for clients. Sometimes, it’s best to try the case. It all really depends on the case and the client. Whatever the course is taken, we want what’s best for you and your family. Hence, if you or any of your loved ones have been discriminated against or harassed at work or wrongfully terminated, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible so we can protect your rights.
Please contact us at 415-391-9476 or contact us by completing the online case submission. We’ll get back to you right away and there’s definitely no charge to you.
Employment Cases Taken On Contingency | Free Initial Consultations