Providing Aggressive Advocacy Since 1996

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a common occurrence in the workplace. Usually, the harassment involves a male supervisor or co-worker seeing a sexual relationship with a female co-worker or subordinate. You should never have to tolerate or suffer sexual harassment in the workplace. If you have been sexually harassed at work, or are feeling the pressure of working in a hostile work environment, contact a San Francisco, California, sexual harassment attorney from The Law Offices of Daniel Feder. We understand and appreciate how stressful and uncomfortable it can be to work with and endure the sexual advances of an owner, manager, supervisor or co-worker. Even the subtlest sexual advances (looks, comments about physical appearance, or requests for meeting outside the office) can be grounds for a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace often feel embarrassed and ashamed by what’s happened to them. They will often face a range of negative emotions. In some instances, they might feel humiliated, degraded, frightened they might be forced to quit. Others will be wrongfully terminated, demoted, or otherwise retaliated against merely for reporting the sexual harassment. Most victims of sexual harassment will face emotional challenges and suffer from depression, anxiety and a lack of self-esteem as they struggle to cope with sexual harassment.

Do Not Accept Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

There are clear laws in place prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace. Nevertheless, sexual harassment is still a common occurrence in the workplace. When your employer fails to protect you after you have reported sexual harassment, does not take action to stop the harassment, or demotes, harasses, intimidates, or fires you for reporting it — you may feel like you have no recourse. This is simply not true. You have legal rights. And The Law Offices of Daniel Feder is here to help protect them.

We are an employment law firm based in San Francisco, serving victimized employees throughout Northern California. We only represent plaintiffs in workplace sexual harassment claims, not employers. We believe in standing up for those who were told by employers that their voice didn’t matter. If you were the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, we will be your legal advocates. Our lawyers will fight for your right to fair compensation for the great injustice you have suffered.

You might feel as though your success on the job depends on your willingness to participate in sexual activities with your supervisor or another employee. In these instances, you have been put in a very compromised situation. You must get legal advice to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against your employer. The Law Offices of Daniel Feder can help you file and win a sexual harassment case and will protect your rights every step of the way. We are knowledgeable about all California state laws and federal laws regarding sexual harassment and will fight aggressively to protect your rights.

Mr. Feder is widely recognized in the legal community for his aggressive legal advocacy in employment law matters. Defense counsel knows that he demands fair treatment for his clients and that he is not afraid to try cases. We invite you to learn more about your legal rights by contacting our law firm for a free case evaluation. Our San Francisco sexual harassment attorneys will provide an honest assessment of your claim and present options for moving forward.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination. It may take many forms. An employee may be “quid quo pro” harassment where an employer offers a job benefit, perks, advancement, or better working conditions, or threatens with termination in exchange for sexual favors, companionship or other sexual benefits. The other type of sexual harassment is called “hostile work environment” harassment. This occurs when co-workers or supervisors engage in conduct of a sexual nature that is severe and pervasive. This can include intimidating, ridiculing and insulting sexual behavior. This hostile work environment harassment can take the form of sexist jokes, slurs, comments, lewd or lascivious remarks or simple insults that relate to one’s sex.

Contact us at 415-391-9476, or complete the online consultation form now to get our help.

Both types of sexual harassment (quid pro quo and hostile work environment) are illegal in the workplace environment. You should not tolerate such abusive behavior by any employer. If you feel that you have become the victim of sexual harassment at work, contact a sexual harassment lawyer from The Law Offices of Daniel Feder of Daniel Feder immediately.

Some of the conduct that might support a basis for a hostile work environment case of sexual harassment in the workplace might include the following:

  • Sexual jokes or comments
  • Sexually suggestive pictures or photographs or emails
  • Asking an employee out on dates
  • Making references to one’s sexuality, sex life, or genitals
  • Unwanted touching
  • Leering

Sexual harassment in the workplace is most frequently between members of the opposite sex. However, it can be between people of the same sex. Also, it can involve a woman supervisor harassing a man. In California, the courts typically will evaluate each such case on a case-by-case basis. It’s important for you to work with a California sexual harassment attorney who can prepare all the details of your particular situation. We will meet with you, gather all of the facts of your case, interview potential witnesses, and develop strategies for winning your case.

If you are the victim of sexual harassment in any of its forms, please contact The Law Offices of Daniel Feder for a free initial consultation. Call us at 415-391-9476 or complete our online consultation form. If there is no recovery in your case, there is absolutely no fee.