Providing Aggressive Advocacy Since 1996

Do you have a legal claim for discrimination or harassment?

Perhaps things seemed good when you first started your job. Then, at some point, you began to feel uncomfortable due to the way that a superior or co-worker treated you. After a while, you began to wonder whether you were the victim of some form of discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

While the law provides you with numerous protections, it also requires that you provide the appropriate evidence to substantiate your claims. If you find yourself considering filing a legal claim against your employer, you would greatly benefit from finding out whether your situation meets the law, if you potentially have a legal claim and what you would need to prove your case. The best way to do that is to meet with a California employment law attorney.

What does an attorney need to help you?

In order for an attorney to properly review your situation, he or she will need certain information from you, such as the following:

  • Consider keeping a journal or diary outlining and describing the incidents you believe indicate discrimination, harassment or retaliation.
  • To go along with your written accounts, keep any documentation such as emails, texts, notes or photographs associated with the incidents in question.
  • Gather as many of your pay records as possible.
  • Obtain a copy of your personnel file and employee handbook, if there is one.
  • Obtain copies of the company’s policies and procedures.
  • If anyone witnessed the exchanges between you and the other party or otherwise witnessed any discriminatory, retaliatory or harassing actions or behaviors against you, obtain his or her contact information.
  • If you suffer from some sort of physical or mental ailment due to the treatment you receive at work, records of the care you receive as a result would prove invaluable.

Not only does the above information help in assessing whether your case meets the legal definitions necessary for filing a claim, but it also provides a starting point to prepare for litigation, mediation or arbitration. Don’t hesitate to gather as much information as you can. Even if some of it is considered superfluous, it’s better to have more documentation than not enough since it will be up to you to prove your claim.

You do not have to tolerate the treatment you receive at work. Moreover, you do not have to go through the process of protecting yourself and your rights alone.