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Doctor claims Georgia prison violated his whistleblower rights

Speaking out against your employer can be terrifying. Last year, a doctor working for the Augusta State Medical Prison in Georgia spoke out against the horrific conditions inside the prison. He recently filed a lawsuit under the Georgia Whistleblower Act against the prison and the Georgia Department of Corrections for their acts of retaliation.

The doctor alleges he became aware of the troubling conditions in the facility in 2012 when he became director of medical services. According to the lawsuit, the doctor discussed his observations with his supervisors on numerous occasions. However, the conditions in the prison remained the same.

The doctor decided to reach out to local newspapers in 2017 to discuss his concerns. According to reports, the doctor stated the following conditions were present:

  • Limited access to standard medical tools
  • Poor sanitation leading to infections
  • Dangerous exposure to mold
  • Insufficient amount of medical staff to properly treat inmates

Unfortunately, the doctor claims that the conditions in the prison worsened after he went public with the information. Additionally, prison security no longer properly supervised inmates in the medical center. Fearing that he was going to lose his job, the doctor left the prison a few months later.

Like the doctor, many employees face retaliation after speaking out against their employer. If you are a whistleblower, federal and state laws can protect you from retaliation by your employer after reporting unlawful activity. However, navigating these laws can be complex. It can be beneficial to discuss your options with an experienced employment law attorney.