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Woman files wrongful termination suit against school district

A woman who used to work as an administrative assistant for a school district in another state recently decided to sue the district and the district’s chief operating officer for an unjust firing. The district is also accused of violating the state’s statute addressing whistleblowing. The woman’s suit is now the district’s third one recently. Any individual who is a victim of wrongful termination in the Bay Area has the right to seek justice through the civil court system.

The woman who sued the school district in another state claimed that she had no choice but to resign when she reported her supervisor for going against district policies. She also asserted that her boss had abused his authority and mismanaged money. Shortly thereafter, the woman was told that the district was reorganizing her job and that her chief responsibilities were going to a brand-new employee with less experience. In addition, the woman received a poor job performance review — her first one in seven years.

As part of her lawsuit, the woman is seeking damages for lost wages as well as personal injuries. These injuries include fatigue, severe emotional distress and anxiety. She is additionally seeking punitive damages in an effort to prevent this type of conduct from occurring in the future.

Retaliation in the form of wrongful termination, for example, is illegal. Sadly, it still happens. Fortunately, wrongful firing victims have the right to file a lawsuit, seeking the reimbursement of damages. A damage award in a successfully fought suit cannot undo the events leading to the unfair termination, but it may help the victim to more easily move forward from such an ordeal in the Bay Area.

Source:, “Waukee schools face third wrongful termination lawsuit“, Kim Norvell, Jan. 16, 2018